I've found several ways to streamline the mechanisms for coding the Fixtures and Grammar building blocks for developers based on negative feedback from our first round of testing. 基于我们第一轮测试的负面反馈,我找到了一些方法来让创建套件(Fixture)和语法(Grammar)构件更加方便。
Test adequacy criterion of context free grammar was formally defined and a family of grammar testing criteria was proposed. 形式化地定义了上下文无关文法的测试充分性准则,提出了一个上下文无关文法的测试充分性准则族。
A graph grammar based concurrent system testing method and its implementation 基于图文法的并发系统状态测试方法及其实现
Lex and yacc were used to analyze the lexis and grammar of the languages defined by context-free grammars, and an independent information extracting module was build to extract the information of source files for white-box testing. 为实现白盒测试的源文件信息提取,提出了通过lex和yacc对使用上下文无关文法定义的语言进行词法和语法分析,构建独立的信息提取模块。
A grammar testing complexity metric was also developed, which can reflect the difficulty and effort to testing a grammar from the view of test adequacy. 为了评价文法的测试开销,定义了一个上下文无关文法的测试复杂性度量,该度量能够从测试充分性的角度反映测试一个文法的难易程度和测试开销的大小。
In classroom grammar testing, major grammatical points have always been tested in the form of multiple choice questions. 在课堂教学的语法测试中,多项选择题型成为出题者的首选,甚至是唯一的选择。